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IDOT Grant Programs

The Commission's professional staff has had the pleasure of assisting local governments within its five-county District in effective utilizing the funding provisions of the various economic development-oriented programs administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). The region is served by IDOT's District 7 offices in Effingham, Illinois.

Economic Development Program

Under this state program, general purpose local governments within the five-county region are eligible to apply for grant funds which can be used to offset up to 50% of the total eligible cost of essential highway access improvements to serve new or expanding local industrial firms, distribution operations or major tourism developments which will quickly create (or at least retain) permanent, private sector local employment opportunities. Commercial and residential projects are not eligible for funding consideration.

State IDOT assistance under this program has traditionally been used by local governments to help finance eligible construction and design engineering and project inspection costs in concert with local Motor Fuel Tax (MFT), local road and bridge or other non-state resources provided by the applicant. In some cases, local governments can also agree to accept a transfer of jurisdiction and future maintenance responsibilities for a state-owned, unmarked roadway within their jurisdiction as a payment-in-kind toward developing their required project contribution.

Truck Access Route Program

Under this state program, general purpose local governments within the five-county region are eligible to apply for grant funds which can be used to offset the added expense of constructing or upgrading locally-owned roads (which a truck traffic generation point to a formally designated truck route) to accommodate 80,000 pound truck traffic. The local roads to be upgraded must lead to loading and unloading areas or to food, fuel, truck repair and driver rest areas, etc.

State financial assistance under this program can provide up to $30,000 per lane mile along with $15,000 per improved intersection to help construct local roadways to design standards which will meet the special needs of semi-traffic. IDOT funds have traditionally been used by local governments to help finance eligible project construction and design engineering and project inspection costs.

Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program

The purpose of the TARP is to help local governments upgrade roads to accommodate 80,000 pound truck loads. The department has a set aside amount of TARP funding that coincides with funding for Economic Development Program projects. This should not be confused with the annual TARP solicitation through our IDOT District Offices (see below). When a local sponsor applies for EDP funding, they can also request TARP funding for the same route provided the roadway connects to an already existing truck route and ends at another truck route or truck generator.

The department will provide up to $45,000 per lane mile and $22,000 per intersection for an eligible roadway. Please note that when requesting TARP funding in conjunction with an EDP application, the TARP funding is capped at $150,000 for the overall project. Please include the exact length of the roadway and how many intersections are involved in the project with your EDP application. This information is necessary to calculate TARP funding.

Safe Routes For School

The Illinois Safe Routes To School (SRTS) Program supports projects and programs that enable and encourage walking and bicycling to and from school. The program applies to schools serving grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.